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MS系列连接器是参照美国MIL-C-5015G标准研制生产,可靠性好,互换性能强,通用国外同类产品。该系列圆形连接器特别设计用于军事用途,广泛应用于工业行业,大量的规格使产品满足不同客户的需求。MS 系列连接器是各种不同应用领域的最好的解决方案。

MS series connectors are designed according to MIL-C-5015G specification and comply with all its requirements of performance,relibility and interchangeability with products of other manufactirers.these circular connectors,specially designed for military applications,nowadays are widely used also in the industry.A wide range of accessories allows to use these connectors in any every need of the customer .MS series connectors is the best solution for a high number of applications in various areas.